So it's been awhile since i wrote anything down, I tell myself i am gonna then I don't but I am here today, decided i have something I need to get off my chest so to speak.
This may piss some people off though I know many who agree with what I am about to write about,any way here goes...
Married people and SL.... I have never understood nor will I understand... the mind set of some people that having a relationship in SL isn't cheating if you are married in rl. OK, some say rl and sl are separate... well they aren't, not really.. in some way things always cross and mingle.
A relationship in SL mimics a RL one on many levels... and if you are married... you may not be cheating physically but you are cheating emotionally.. at least in my book. I think back to when my husband was alive and I think were he in SL having a relationship with some chick I'd be hurt...and angry.. and I know were it reversed he would feel the same.
I put someone on a pedestal once long ago... they always said they would never have a sl relationship because it was cheating.. and I admired them so for that for having the balls to stick to it, and then one day they fell off that pedestal i had put them on.. was it fair of me to put them there? maybe not, but either way, something along the line changed.. we stopped talking they stopped asking ... I guess maybe you never recover when your hero falls.{ yes I know that sounds dramatic but I know of no other way to express how it feels}
So as much as I hate to say this because i know it will cause some bitching .. ok so the entire post will.. but my thoughts on married people having sl relationships are indeed solely mine and everyone is entitled to their opinion, my answer to it? To do what I call a Daisy and hit the uninstall button, go see if your marriage is worth saving, either it is or it isn't but you probably wont know if your sitting in sl playing "house" with someone else.
Ze Party To Be
11 years ago
I concur :P
Just another kind of hypocrisy that seems to work well in SL. It always amazes me how people admit to be married RL, yet at the same time they are after someone in SL, or even partnered/married. And even though the RL partner doesn't know about it, they don't see anything wrong with it. Hypocrisy and megalomania are the 2 most common mental illnesses in SL, and sometimes it's really difficult to bite your tongue huh :D
I am with Acacia here Mirari.....I have some unreal things happen to me in SL and they usually involve married guys.
One guy was a pastor in a RL (small) and some digging around found he was engaged to a girl he met on Did that ever come out when he was trying to woo me and trying to have voice sex with me (which I turned down).
Further research showed pictures of him on Facebook holding a bible preaching to his flock in church. What a damned player. I was never so mortified and turned off all in the same breath. I am sure his wife/GF or whoever she is knows nothing of his sexcapades here on SL.
I absolutely agree that this is cheating. One thing I find hilarious about it is that most of the offenders blog about their SL escapades even posting photographs. They are too stupid to realize they are handing evidence to the spouses which is great because now not only can you sue your spouse for divorce for cheating on you online, but you can sue the other man/woman too! Depending on what state they live in of course. Judges and lawyers love facebook and internet blogging. Makes their job so much easier for them.
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