wow what people wont sink to... -chuckles- a certain club owner said to another ...
"People change sometimes when they mess up, if i didn't have the faith or trust he wouldn't be here. After a year, why do you bring this up?,"
hmmm maybe because there are folders of items he took and doctored and handed out even after he was caught?.. oh and the same owner said...
"Oh and if Mirari is still your GM?,,umm you might ask her about,,,ooops, nevermind hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!"
hmm ask me what? would that be about the time he hit on me and when i joked about it he flipped out? Wow what could possibly be asked of me?? I have never taken another persons work and doctored it... I can barely build a box to be honest so yah good luck on that one...
innuendos... crap people say... he says she says.. in the end... it boils down to facts...and some... are indisputable.. and I would honestly let a Linden into my account [well hell they can any way] to look at the things I speak of... I have nothing to hide... do they?
Ze Party To Be
11 years ago