Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Setting Up

So I did something I swore I would never do, get SL married. Even in SL weddings are work, either you hire someone and pay a ton of lindens or, you do it yourself. Personally doing it ourselves seemed much more personal, and I think made the day a little more special.
So with the help of old friend Casper priestman who provided the land with 6k prims to spare lol I managed to set up and use less than 1k prims. Any way this post IM just gonna include some pics of the set up, why? cuz I want to! In the end it was a fun evening shared by some of our oldest friends in SL, Dont worry I will post more later :P

{What Next} - Chairs and tables,lanterns on the tables,lights along dance floor,"alter" [these are great weathered wood look and copy!]

~*Forest Floor*~ flowers, trees

Meant To Be- Princess wedding cake

Weddings By Nienna - wedding drink table { lol had to have vodka for UC!}

Fairy Tales Wedding Supplies - Gift Table

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